Art D'Elke presents:Holiday Show and Sale II
Paintings and Collages by
Sandra Kaplan
Sunday, December 18th, 12 to 4 pm
Select from Sandra Kaplan's plein air paintings, some from her recent trip to Tuscany, along with collages created from her collection of treasures, and her collaged cards.
Kendra Custer from Anthologie Framing will be on hand to help you pick the perfect mats and frames for the unframed pieces.
Location: Sandra Kaplan Studio
St Francis de Sales School building
235 S. Sherman Street
(Alameda and Sherman Streets)
Denver, CO 80209
Produced by Art D'Elke, studio and Gallery projects orchestrated by art consultant Elke McGuire and marketing expert Denise Robert.
Info: Denise Robert at 303-368-5208 or
We are able to accept most credit cards.