Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Not often do I begin my day with such an exciting discovery.

From an article in The New York Times this morning, I  learned that the Indianapolis Museum of Art has just launched a new website to link the world to videos about art - from the Museum of Modern Art, Art21, and numerous other museum and library sources. It's called  artbabble. Few other sites reward frequent visits so educationally and entertainingly.

It's  great looking , very clean and well designed, easy to navigate, and extremely dangerous to your time. Once there, I found so much to capture my interest, time disappeared. Luckily, a phone call forced reality back upon me, and I escaped to my studio.

Most of the videos are in high definition.

Check this out today!

Monday, April 6, 2009

5280 Magazine

Just thought you might like to see the mention  DYAO's  "Painted Violin Project"  received from 5280 Magazine.